Malvern Day 2 - Updated 8pm

1st May 2019

Malvern Day 2

Most importantly the children didn’t wake too early! 

Everyone had a good breakfast (cereals, toast, eggs, waffles and bacon) and then got ready for their morning activities.  It’s stayed dry and relatively mild throughout the morning so we are hoping that this continues.  I’ll send pictures towards the end of today if the Wifi remains stable.


Update 8.30pm 

We've had a great afternoon despite the weather being pretty awful.  The 'Drying Room' is very, very full but the weather doesn't seem to have bothered the children in the slightest!  I'll be hopefully adding some more photos to the link I sent earlier in the next hour or so.  Since tea time it's finally stopped raining and three groups set off on their walk up the Malvern hills at 7pm.  The remaining two groups have been trying out the 'Low Ropes Course'.