Arts Week

27th October 2023
After a long half term, during which the children have worked really hard, we have relaxed the usual Curriculum Timetable this week, to allow us to hold an “Arts Week,” which will help to further develop the children’s creative and artistic skills.
Activities included the following workshops:
Year R classes worked collaboratively to make a Class picture based on a woodland theme
Year 1 used leaf prints to create art work on the theme of “Animals in Autumn”
Year 2 made 3D “Jellyfish Lanterns”
Year 3 made silhouettes with an Ancient Egyptian theme
Year 4 created some collages on a “Jungle” theme
In addition:
• Year 3 completed some “Wet Felting” art work with local Artist, Christine Burdin
• Year 4 took part in some tasting sessions with Idris Caldora, a Savoy Chef
• All year groups also experienced an African drumming workshop today.