Special Educational Needs
We follow the definitions outlined in the Sen and Disability 0-25 years Code of practice (2014) when deciding whether a child has a Special Educational Need.
‘ (A child) has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools…’ (Code of practice 2014)
‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for specialist educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’ (Code of practice 2014)
At Finstall First School, we follow Worcestershire's Local offer and graduated response to ensure we meet the needs of all SEND children. All children receive high quality 1st class teaching which takes into account the needs of all learners in the classroom through differentiation in terms of teaching approach and work set. We adapt the curriculum, teaching resources and strategies to meet the needs of all learners including children with SEND. We are an inclusive school where all children are able to reach their full potential. Children with SEND are identified in a variety of ways and once identified support is matched to the child's needs either through support, intervention or resources. We value the support of our parents and have termly meetings to discuss progress against the targets in a child's Individual Behaviour Plan or Individual Education Plan.
A child’s needs are met using 3 levels of support often described as universal provision, targeted provision and specialist provision.
Universal provision- High quality 1st class teaching and differentiation for all learners within an inclusive learning environment. Adaptations are used to enable all learners to access the curriculum successfully.
Targeted provision - Specific and time- limited interventions provided for some pupils who need support to either improve their academic progress or to improve specific difficulties such as speech and language or improve their emotional and social development.
Specialist provision - Highly tailored interventions to support a minority of pupils in order to accelerate their academic progress or to improve specific difficulties. This category is called ‘SEN Support.’ We provide the Local Authority with information about children who are receiving this level of support.